I started my business in the aesthetic’s world March of 2020! I know a lot of you are probably thinking “DURING COVID?” & the answer is YES during Covid. A lot of people told me I’m crazy pursuing something new in the middle of a global pandemic but, I did so anyway & I couldn’t be happier!!
I graduated from Seneca College with my diploma in Early Childhood Education in 2016 and worked in plenty of different daycare settings for about 5 years. My passion for children was & always will be strong although, years & years were going by and I was still where I was when I first graduated.
While juggling my ECE career full time, I was also working part time at a restaurant. My days consisted of the same thing over and over again.
In March of 2020 I finally decided to educate myself in Laser Hair Removal. Although I was not able to start my Laser business right away due to COVID-19, I didn’t let that stop me from adding more certificates to my profile. I am now a 2x certified Laser Technician & Educator as well as, certified in Teeth Whitening, Microneedling, Facials, Vacuum Therapy & more!
In April of 2021 I finally decided to quit everything and pursue my own business. Was it scary? HELL YEAH! Do I regret it? HELL NO! It’s always scary to leave something you thought you would’ve done for the rest of your life but, in order to grow comes challenges and this was a challenge I was willing to take!